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    Workhorse Gets FAA OK to Test-Fly Electric Hybrid Helicopter

    Workhorse Group has received an Experimental Airworthiness Certificate from the Federal Aviation Administration to conduct test flights of an electric hybrid helicopter platform. Workhorse said Wednesday it aims to commence the first test for the company’s SureFly helicopter in Las Vegas before the 2018 Consumer Electronic Show kicks off on Jan. 8. Additionally, the company also announced plans to […] More

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    Workhorse Group to Propose Electric, Drone-Launching Vehicle for New USPS Trucks

    The U.S. Postal Service could receive a proposal on its future delivery vehicles that offers the capability to launch drones to help in delivering packages, Federal Times reported Tuesday. Andy Medici writes that Workhorse Group proposes the use of an all-electric delivery truck with functions that enable it to launch drones, with the aim of completing the delivery route in […] More