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    Microsoft, Intell Community Ink Cloud Services Agreement

    Microsoft has signed a six-year agreement with the U.S. intelligence community to expand the use of the company’s technology offerings by 17 agencies within the IC. The transformative agreement extends an enterprise licensing deal awarded to Dell and covers the provision of Microsoft’s Azure Government cloud, Office 365 for US Government and Windows 10 offerings […] More

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    Microsoft Launches 365 Package for US Govt Cloud Environments

    Microsoft has made its Microsoft 365 package available for U.S. government cloud environments. Josh Rice, general manager of Microsoft’s worldwide modern workplace, wrote in a news release published Monday the Microsoft 356 package includes Windows 10, Enterprise Mobility + Security and Office 365 offerings designed to help government agencies meet U.S. security and compliance requirements. Microsoft […] More

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    Air Force to Complete Windows 10 Transition in March

    The U.S. Air Force has announced it expects to complete Microsoft Windows 10 operating system transition by March 31 to meet requirements mandated by the Defense Department. The service branch said Tuesday it will decommission all systems not updated to Windows 10 by the deadline. The USAF will also have to replace the many computer assets within the […] More

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    CDW to Supply Laptops for Marine Corps’ Windows 10 Transition Effort

    CDW‘s government division has won a $12.7 million delivery order for general purpose laptops to support the U.S. Marine Corps‘ migration to Windows 10 operating system. The Defense Department said Wednesday the company will supply 16,033 laptops to the service branch and is scheduled to complete deliveries by March 30, 2018. USMC will obligate the full […] More

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    DOE Taps SteelCloud to Provide Security Compliance Automation Tool

    SteelCloud has received a contract from the Energy Department to provide a remediation platform designed to automate compliance of applications and deployed data infrastructure with the Security Technical Implementation Guide. The company said Thursday ConfigOS works to scan endpoint platforms against STIG controls within a minute and remediate endpoints within 90 seconds. Brian Hajost, SteelCloud president and CEO, […] More

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    SteelCloud to Support DoD Windows 10 Deployment Through STIG Compliance Platform

    SteelCloud has received a contract from a Defense Department component to provide a security compliance automation platform to support DoD’s deployment of the Windows 10 operating system. The company said Thursday its ConfigOS platform is designed to automate compliance with the Security Technical Implementation Guide as well as support Risk Management Framework accreditation. DoD needs to obtain RMF […] More

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    Reports: Microsoft Develops Custom Windows 10 Offering for Chinese Govt

    Microsoft has developed a customized version of its Windows 10 operating system for the Chinese government through a partnership with state-owned China Electronics Technology Group, Dow Jones Newswires reported Tuesday. Eva Dou and Yang Jie write CETC helped Microsoft develop the custom Windows 10 offering as the U.S.-based technology firm aims to regain access to the Chinese market and address security demands […] More

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    Brazil Eyes Microsoft Product Buy for IT Standardization Efforts

    Brazil’s government plans to commence a large procurement of Microsoft products in the next few months in a push to standardize the country’s information technology applications portfolio across government, ZDnet reported Tuesday. Angelica Mari writes that products most likely to be purchased include Windows 10, Windows Server and the Office suite. The report noted that the joint Microsoft […] More

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    CRN: Australia’s Defense Dept Orders 100K Dell Desktops

    Dell‘s Australia-based business unit has received a two-year, $56.9 million contract from that country’s defense department to deliver than 100,000 desktops across the military as part of a large-scale computer supply project, CRN reported Tuesday. Steven Kiernan writes the desktop units will run both Windows 7 and Windows 10 operating systems to support the project that aims […] More

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    Brian Hall: Microsoft Partners With Booz Allen, IBM to Expand Surface Tablet Features

    Booz Allen Hamilton and IBM have joined Microsoft‘s Surface Enterprise Initiative with the goal to create and offer a range of support tools for government and commercial organizations that use Windows 10-equipped Surface tablets. Brian Hall, general manager of Microsoft’s devices business group, wrote in a blog entry posted Tuesday that Booz Allen will develop new tools intended to help address […] More

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    Christian Ekhart: Icomedias Develops Microsoft Tech-Based Digitization App for Public Safety Agencies

    Icomedias has collaborated with Microsoft to create a mobile application designed to help public safety organizations to digitize paperwork, icomedias CEO Christian Ekhart wrote in an article published Thursday on Microsoft’s website. Ekhart said the HYBRID.FORMS application is built upon Microsoft-built technology products such as Windows 10, SQL Server, SharePoint and Office 365. The app will work to help first responders complete forms electronically using tablets and […] More