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    VTO to Support DHS Drone Forensics Research Efforts; William Bryan Comments

    VTO has received a $928,541 research and development contract from the Department of Homeland Security‘s science and technology directorate to help boost law enforcement officers’ capacity to collect and analyze evidential data from drones. DHS said Monday that the contract supports a cyber forensics project of S&T’s Cyber Security Division which looks to create cyber […] More

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    ZSofTech Gains License to Network Flow Analysis Tech via DHS Program

    The Department of Homeland Security has licensed a network flow analysis platform to Atlanta-based information technology company zSofTech as part of a transition-to-market program managed by DHS’ science and technology directorate. DHS said Friday the Energy Department‘s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory developed the Network FLOW AnalyzER software application to inspect internet protocol in real time and help network administrators avoid […] More