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    Public Safety Group to Integrate IBM Cognitive Computing Tech With Emergency Call Guidance Software

    The Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials International plans to integrate its scripted 9-1-1 guidance software with IBM‘s Watson-based cognitive computing platforms as part of efforts to optimize emergency call taking. IBM said Monday it will incorporate the Watson Speech-to-Text and Watson Analytics tools into the IntelliComm criteria-based guide card software APCO International intends to field at five public safety answering […] More

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    IBM-Box Alliance Seeks to Facilitate Cloud-Based Enterprise Collaboration

    IBM and cloud storage firm Box have formed an alliance to combine their services and offerings in an effort to help enterprises manage data workloads and collaborate with other businesses in a cloud environment. IBM said Wednesday it will integrate Box’s cloud-based content collaboration tool with Watson Analytics, IBM Verse business email platform and IBM Connections social […] More

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    IBM Rolls Out Beta Version of Watson Analytics

    IBM has released a beta version of the Watson Analytics cognitive service for business clients. IBM Watson is now available to customers as a cloud-based free premium service via desktop computers and mobile devices, IBM said Thursday. Business users will have access to the Watson Analytics community to share news, best practices, technical support and training services. The cognitive system is designed to […] More

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    Bob Picciano: IBM to Offer New Natural Language-Based Watson Analytics Service

    IBM has launched an interactive Watson Analytics service that is designed with cognitive functions that work to recognize natural languages for self-service visual and predictive data analytics. The company said Sept. 16 that the service will initially be available as a cloud-based tool that delivers automated services such as data refinement and data warehousing via desktop-based or mobile applications. “Watson Analytics is designed […] More

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    Bob Picciano: IBM New Analytics Tool Seeks to Transform Big Data Access

    IBM has rolled out Watson Analytics, it’s latest product designed to provide average business users with quick and easy access to powerful analytics using big data technology. Bob Picciano, IBM senior vice president for information and analytics, described the “transformational” power of the analytics tool, which the company said offers everyone unhindered access to data […] More