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    B. Chatterjee: CNSI Partners with States on Federal Medicaid System Mandates

    Washington State’s Health Care Authority announced that using CNSI’s ProviderOne technology, they have become one of the first states in the country to fully comply with federal mandates, specifically CORE, set by the Affordable Care Act, CNSI said. The state has updated it’s Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) using ProviderOne, the primary Medicaid payment provider […] More

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    Bechtel’s Michael Costas to Help Lead Engineering at Radioactive Waste Treatment Plant

    Michael Costas, Bechtel‘s corporate quality chief, will help manage engineering, procurement and related functions as part of his appointment to the company’s waste treatment and immobilization plant team. The team will supervise work at a plant Bechtel is building in Washington state for the Energy Department to treat 56 million gallons of radioactive waste, the company said Thursday. Costas holds 30 years […] More