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    Brian Houston: Analytics Key to Virtual Environments

    Brian Houston, a vice president at Hitachi Data Systems‘ U.S. federal subsidiary, believes agencies need to apply analytics to virtualized environments in order to gain insights into their data situation, FCW reported Tuesday. “The biggest issue that everybody’s trying to get their hands around is, ‘What do we really have?’” Houston told FCW’s Zach Noble. He […] More

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    CJ Radford: Vormetric Data Security Platform Lands VMworld Gold Award

    Vormetric’s data security platform has won the gold award for the “Security and Compliance for Virtualized Environments” category of the Best of VMworld 2014. The judging panel selected Vormetric platform as the Gold winner out of 179 products in nine categories at VMworld 2014, Vormetric said Thursday. “We’re honored to be recognized as a Best […] More