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    Navy Deploys Textron Subsidiary’s UAS Aboard Expeditionary Mobile Base

    The U.S. Navy has employed an expeditionary sea base vessel to host a Textron subsidiary-developed unmanned aircraft system that supports a broad range of military and aviation operations. Textron Systems said Wednesday the Aerosonde UAS took its first operational flight aboard the ESB 5-designated USS Miguel Keith to provide extended-range intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance services with enhanced […] More

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    Textron Lands 2nd UAS Support Work Aboard Navy Expeditionary Mobile Base

    A Textron subsidiary will help the U.S. Navy’s Naval Air Systems Command handle unmanned aircraft system operations for the USS Miguel Keith expeditionary sea base under a five-year, $22 million contract.  Textron Systems will utilize the Aerosonde UAS equipped with mission payloads to support intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance work aboard the ESB-5 vessel, the company […] More