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    Navy Commissions Lockheed-Built USS Little Rock Littoral Combat Ship

    A littoral combat ship that Lockheed Martin developed with partner Fincantieri Marinette Marine has entered into active service with the U.S. Navy. The Navy conducted the commissioning ceremony for the USS Little Rock vessel designated LCS 9 on the Buffalo River in New York, Lockheed said Saturday. The ship, which was the second to be named after the […] More

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    Austal USA-Built Giffords Littoral Combat Ship Completes Maiden Voyage

    An Independence-variant littoral combat ship built by Austal USA for the U.S. Navy has completed a maiden voyage from Mobile, Alabama, to a naval base in San Diego, California. USS Gabrielle Giffords (LCS 10) underwent combat ship qualification trials, crew certification training and scheduled equipment and system checks during the vessel’s expedition, the Navy said Thursday. Austal USA […] More

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    Lockheed Team-Built LCS 7 Completes Ship Qualification Tests

    A Freedom-class U.S. Navy littoral combat ship built by a Lockheed Martin-led industry team has completed a series of combat system ship qualification trials that evaluated the vessel’s capacity to track and disable maneuvering surface targets. The service branch said Friday LCS Crew 103 tested the USS Detroit‘s combat systems suite that includes a 57mm gun designed to target fast […] More

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    Navy Commissions 7th LCS Ship, 4th Lockheed Team-Built Freedom Variant

    The U.S. Navy has commissioned and assigned to active service its seventh littoral combat ship overall and fourth LCS vessel constructed by a Lockheed Martin-led industry team. Lockheed said Saturday the USS Detroit Freedom-class LCS will join the fleet with similar variants USS Fort Worth, USS Milwaukee and USS Freedom. USS Detroit completed its acceptance trials in July and is the […] More

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    O3b Networks Demos Satellite-Based Broadband Service Aboard US Navy’s USS Fort Worth

    O3b Networks in conjunction with lead integrator Oceus Networks and partner TrustComm, Inc. has demonstrated its satellite constellation for broadband connectivity during the Trident Warrior exercises of the U.S. Navy’s 7th Fleet. The company said Monday, upon installing O3b tracking antennas that receive signals from its medium Earth-orbit satellites, the USS Fort Worth achieved approximately 600 Megabits per second […] More