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    Lockheed Helps Develop University of Central Florida’s Cyber Innovation Lab

    Lockheed Martin has provided $1.5M to the University of Central Florida to support the creation of a cyber laboratory in an effort to foster interest in entering the cybersecurity workforce. The 970-foot Lockheed Martin Cyber Innovation Lab will be situated within UCF’s Engineering I building and will host classroom work as well as cyber defense […] More

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    Lockheed Gifts Simulators to UCF College of Nursing; Jon Rambeau Comments

    Lockheed Martin has contributed three simulation training equipment to the University of Central Florida’s College of Nursing. The three high-fidelity mannequin simulators will help UCF’s undergraduates prepare for clinical practice with real-life scenarios that test their ability to communicate with, examine and diagnose patients, the university said Sept. 2. The donation also included IV catheter training kits […] More

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    Raytheon Names Winners of Cyber Competition; Jack Harrington Comments

    Raytheon has selected the University of Central Florida as the winner of this year’s Raytheon National Collegiate Cyber Defense comptetition held April 25-27 in San Antonio, Texas. The University of Central Florida and nine other universities were tasked to keep a fictional business running while under constant cyber attack, the company announced Sunday. As part […] More