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    Accenture Awarded Navy ERP Maintenance Task Orders

    Accenture’s federal services subsidiary has won five task orders worth $19.8 million combined to maintain the U.S. Navy’s enterprise resource planning system and train users on the technology. The company will provide financial and supply chain systems support, technical system development and training support for the Naval Supply Systems Command’s Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania-based business systems center, Accenture said […] More

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    Contractors Eye Laser Tools as Emerging Tech, Lockheed CTO Ray Johnson Offers 5-Year Outlook

    Lasers could become one of the most sought-after technologies in defense as manufacturers work to improve their accuracy, power and versatility in ever-smaller form factors, the Washington Post reported Friday. Christian Davenport writes lasers could soon join the U.S. arsenal alongside see-through head-up displays and electricity-conducting military uniforms and exoskeleton suits. Ray Johnson, chief technology officer at […] More

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    Iris Bombelyn: Lockheed MUOS-3 to Expand Navy Satellite Comms Coverage

    The U.S. Navy and Lockheed Martin team has encased the latest Mobile User Objective System satellite within its payload fairing ahead of the scheduled Jan. 20 launch aboard a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket. Iris Bombelyn, vice president of narrowband communications at Lockheed, said Friday the MUOS-3 satellite will work to expand the coverage of the MUOS mobile satellite communications network. She […] More

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    QinetiQ NA to Help Refurbish Army, Navy TALON Robots

    QinetiQ North America has received a $17.5 million contract from the U.S. Army and a separate $30 million contract from the U.S. Navy to refurbish and modernize the services’ TALON IV military robots. QNA will provide spare parts for the TALON systems fielded in Afghanistan and Iraq and upgrade services to help protect U.S. warfighters in operations, […] More

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    Northrop, Coast Guard, Navy Demo Fire Scout on Cutter Ship; George Vardoulakis Comments

    Northrop Grumman, the U.S. Coast Guard and Navy demonstrated an unmanned helicopter off the coast of Naval Base Ventura County on Dec. 5, Point Mugu. Navy and Coast Guard personnel controlled the MQ-8B Fire Scout unmanned helicopter while onboard the USCGC Bertholf national security cutter, Northrop said Tuesday. Coast Guard Lt. Cmdr. Dan Broadhurst, UAS platform manager, said the demo was conducted […] More

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    Lockheed Opens MUOS Terminal Development, Certification Hub; Glenn Ladue Comments

    Lockheed Martin has opened a new development and certification facility for developers to test the Mobile User Objective System’s radio terminal applications. The 3,400-square-foot Test Radio Access Facility is located at Lockheed’s Sunnyvale, California-based campus, Lockheed said Friday. “Lockheed Martin’s goal with the TRAF is to help terminal developers and application integrators get MUOS’ capabilities deployed to the warfighter as quickly as possible,” […] More

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    Defense Sec. Chuck Hagel Backs Navy LCS Modernization Plan

    Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel supports the U.S. Navy‘s proposed modernization effort of the Littoral Combat Ships that are made by Austal USA and Lockheed Martin, Reuters reported Thursday. Andrea Shalal writes the Navy wants to integrate new missiles, radar technology and other combat systems into the LCS fleet. “The Navy’s new proposal, like the LCS, will […] More

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    Cubic to Design, Test Updates for SPAWAR Data Link; Mike Twyman Comments

    Cubic Defense Applications will continue to provide support for the U.S. Navy’s data link systems used in operational missions under a $3.1 million contract from the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command. Under the project, the company will work to prolong the life cycle of SPAWAR’s AN/USQ-167 Common Data Link System by developing and testing […] More

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    Northrop Hands Navy 1st MQ-8C Autonomous Helicopter; George Vardoulakis Comments

    Northrop Grumman has handed over the U.S. Navy‘s first MQ-8C Fire Scout unmanned helicopter for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaisance missions. The MQ-8C is designed to have a larger airframe and fly with three times more ISR payload than its predecessor variant MQ-8B, Northrop said Wednesday. “The test program will run through the summer as we […] More

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    Iris Bombelyn: Lockheed Completes MUOS-4 Thermal Vacuum Test

    Lockheed Martin has tested the U.S. Navy‘s fourth Mobile User Objective System satellite for extreme temperature endurance. The company performed the thermal vacuum test at its Sunnyvale, California-based satellite integration facility and MUOS-4 is scheduled for launch in the second half of 2015, Lockheed said Monday. “The successful completion of thermal vacuum testing assures that MUOS-4 can endure the extreme hot and […] More

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    Airbus Helps Navy Install 3D Radar on USS Milwaukee Littoral Combat Ship

    An Airbus Group subsidiary has finished work to integrate a three-dimensional maritime radar technology onto a U.S. Navy littoral combat ship. Airbus Defence and Space equipped USS Milwaukee with its TRS-3D multimode radar through an agreement with LCS’ prime contractor Lockheed Martin, Airbus said Tuesday. The technology is designed to automatically locate sea and air […] More