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    Huntington Ingalls Launches USCG’s 8th Natl Security Cutter

    Huntington Ingalls Industries has launched the eighth National Security Cutter that HII’s Ingalls Shipbuilding division built for the U.S. Coast Guard ahead of the vessel’s scheduled Dec. 9 christening ceremony. The company said Wednesday Ingalls Shipbuilding used a rail car system to move Midgett NSC to a floating dry dock last week and deployed the vessel early Wednesday morning through the […] More

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    Huntington Ingalls Authenticates Keel of 8th National Security Cutter for Coast Guard

    Huntington Ingalls Industries‘ Ingalls Shipbuilding division held a keel-authentication ceremony for the U.S. Coast Guard‘s eighth Legend-class national security cutter Midgett. HII said Friday the vessel is named after John Allen Midgett, who received the silver cup from the U.K. Board of Trade in 1918 for his rescue of 42 British sailors aboard a tanker that was torpedoed by a German […] More