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    DOE, Battelle Partner for Deep Borehole Drilling Research Project

    A Battelle-led consortium has been chosen by the U.S. Energy Department to help study the feasibility of creating deep-borehole repositories in crystalline rock formations. The consortium will drill a more than 16,000-foot hole through a rock formation located near Rugby, North Dakota, in an effort to examine the potential use of boreholes for high-level radioactive waste disposal or geothermal energy development, the […] More

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    DOE, Nvidia to Collaborate on Open-Source HPC Compiler Development

    Nvidia has partnered with three U.S. Energy Department-funded national laboratories and the National Nuclear Security Administration to build an open source compiler technology for high-performance computing systems. Nvidia’s PGI software business, NNSA and the Los Alamos, Sandia and Lawrence Livermore national laboratories will collaborate on the development of a Fortran-based architecture that the alliance intends to integrate […] More

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    IBM’s David Turek: Supercomputer Development Requires Data Processing Function Upgrades

    IBM uses a data-centric computing architecture to help the U.S. Energy Department build high-performance supercomputers under a $325 million contract between the company and the agency, InformationWeek reported Aug. 7. David Turek, vice president of technical computing at IBM, told the publication in an interview that high-performance computing capacity is measured through exascale nodes and […] More