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    Xybion to Help Automate Army’s Biosafety Research Operations

    Xybion has been selected to provide a preclinical management platform for the U.S. Army to automate scientific research operations at the military branch’s Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick in Maryland. The company will deploy its Pristima Suite to USAMRIID’s biosafety facility as well as perform system validation, configuration and training support services, said Tuesday. Pristima is designed to help users track […] More

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    Paratek Pharmaceuticals, Army Partner for Omadacycline Biodefense Studies

    Paratek Pharmaceuticals has partnered with the U.S. Army to conduct research on the efficiency of omadacycline treatments against pathogenic agents under a cooperative research-and-development agreement. The studies will work to determine if omadacycline can help treat biodefense pathogens such as Yersinia Pestis and Bacillus Anthracis, Paratek said Tuesday. The company will provide omadacycline and technical expertise in support of the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of […] More

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    DARPA to Host Workshop on Synthetic Polymer-Based Medicine R&D Program

    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency will conduct a workshop in Southbridge, Massachusetts, on June 29 to discuss a program that seeks to develop medicines designed to retain potency for long periods of time amid exposure to extreme conditions on the battlefield. DARPA said Tuesday researchers under the Fold F(x) program aim to design biotherapeutics and […] More