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    Exelis Tests Air Force GPS III Transmitter Assemblies; Mark Pisani Comments

    Exelis has demonstrated six transmitter assemblies that are built to function as payload components for the U.S. Air Force’s first set of GPS satellites. The transmitters were tested in a simulated space environment for random vibration, pyroshock and thermal vacuum to qualify for the GPS III’s mission requirements, Exelis said Tuesday. McLean, Va.-based Exelis built the […] More

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    Ed Morche: Level 3’s Network Incorporated in Northrop Air Force Training Tools

    Level 3 Communications has been awarded a subcontract to provide connectivity services for Northrop Grumman-built simulation and training systems used by the Air Force. The Air Force’s distributed mission operation network uses Northrop simulators that are designed for the branch to train pilots on aerial refueling and other complex flight maneuvers, Level 3 said Tuesday. Northrop […] More

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    CSSI Holds 2 Prime GSA Small Business Contract Vehicle Spots; Cynthia Castillo Comments

    CSSI has won prime positions on two portions of the General Services Administration‘s potential 10-year, $60 billion One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services Small Business vehicle. The company will be eligible to work in the GSA OASIS SB program’s pools four and six, the company announced Monday. CSSI will offer agencies professional services related to logistics, […] More

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    AC4S Awarded Subcontract on USAF IT Services IDIQ

    Advanced C4 Solutions has been awarded a subcontract to provide information technology services to the U.S. Air Force. Work under the indefinite-deliver/indefinite-quantity Information Technology Services 3 contract will be performed for the 96 Communications Squadron at Eglin Air Force Base, with Infinite as prime contractor. Atlanta, Georgia-based Infinite said Jan. 31 the project includes services […] More

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    Air Force to Test Raytheon Team’s Hyperspectral UAV Sensor

    The U.S. Air Force will test a hyperspectral imaging sensor developed by a Raytheon-lead contracting team for the service’s MQ-1 Predator unmanned aircraft, Military & Aerospace Electronics reported Sunday. John Keller writes the Air Force intends to negotiate a contract with Raytheon for the flight testing of a pod-based Airborne Cueing and Exploitation System-Hyperspectral system. […] More

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    FAA Picks 5 DynCorp Programs for Diamond Awards

    DynCorp International has been selected to receive the Diamond Award for Excellence from the Federal Aviation Administration for the second consecutive year. Diamond Awards are presented to companies of which 100 percent of all eligible maintenance technicians complete FAA aircraft systems training in systems and regulations over one year, DynCorp announced Monday. The company was […] More

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    Steve Capps: Air Force to Buy Boeing Radios for Secure SATCOM, Voice Connections

    Boeing has received a $24 million order from the U.S. Air Force for handheld radios that are intended for search-and-rescue operations. The Combat Survivor Evader Locator radio system is built to help military personnel communicate with downed pilots and isolated warfighters, Boeing said Monday. Under the contract, Boeing will deliver 2,550 CSEL radios to the […] More

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    Three Wire Systems an ATP NETCENTS-2 Contract Team Member

    Three Wire Systems LLC is part of an Ace Technology Partners-led team that will supply information technology products and services to the U.S. Air Force under the branch’s NETCENTS 2 contract vehicle. NETCENTS 2 covers network-centric software and hardware systems for the Defense Department and other federal agencies, according to a Three Wire Systems statement. ATP’s team will […] More

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    NDP to Design Open Source Messaging System for Air Force; Jerry Dinges Comments

    NDP, a net-centric systems engineering company, has won a task order to design a communications  infrastructure framework for the U.S. Air Force‘s Space and Missile Systems Center. The Air Force picked NDP to build a prototype of a network-independent messaging system using open-source software, NDP said Monday. NDP won the contract under the General Services […] More

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    Telos to Help Air Force Squadron Operate Global Info Grid Portion

    Telos Corp. has been awarded a task order U.S. Air Force network operations squadron to help configure and maintain an enterprise network that is part of the Defense Department‘s Global Information Grid. The 561 Network Operations Squadron helps Air Force and joint commands operate their core networks, Telos announced Tuesday. Charisse Stokes, Telos vice president of cybersecurity and network […] More