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    Joy de Lisser: ATK Extends Work for Boeing-Lockheed JV Under $178M Launch Vehicle Hardware Subcontract

    ATK will provide hardware to the United Launch Alliance for the Atlas V and Delta IV launch vehicles under a potential $178 million subcontract. ATK said Wednesday the order is for the U.S. Air Force‘s Phase 1 Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle program and includes large composite structures such as payload adapters, interstages and nose cones. ULA is a 50-50 joint venture of Boeing […] More

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    Lockheed-Boeing JV to Use Curtiss-Wright Ethernet Switch on Launch Vehicles

    Curtiss-Wright‘s defense solutions unit will provide Ethernet switches to the United Launch Alliance for Atlas V and Delta IV rockets under a $2 million contract, Military & Aerospace Electronics reported Friday. John Keller writes the Lockheed Martin and Boeing joint venture selected Curtiss-Wright’s rugged commercial off-the-shelf Parvus DuraNET 3000 for the U.S. Air Force‘s Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle program. ULA will use the switch pre-launch […] More

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    Northrop Puts Military Communications Pod Through Data Exchange Test; Jeannie Hilger Comments

    Northrop Grumman has built and tested an air-based pod system for the U.S. Air Force to manage exchange of video, data and voice messages in real time during combat operations. The Smart Node Pod worked to transmit air and ground warfighter communications through waveform and datalink channels during flight demonstrations in February over Virginia Beach, […] More

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    Jim Myles: DynCorp to Help Maintain Air Force C-5 Aircraft Engines

    DynCorp International has been awarded a potential one-year, $8.5 million task order to help maintain engines and components for the U.S. Air Force‘s C-5 aircraft. Jim Myles, senior vice president of the DynAviation business, said Wednesday that the company will perform “intermediate level engine overhaul services on one of the largest military aircraft ever built.” The […] More

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    Array-Led Team to Help Operate Air Force Financial Systems; Mark Douglas Comments

    Array Information Technology will help the U.S. Air Force operate and manage two financial systems based at Air Force Materiel Command’s headquarters at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. The company said Wednesday that its team, which includes CACI International, will support at least 1,600 users of the Keystone Decision Support System and Command Management System. “KDSS and CMS represent vital financial […] More

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    IAI’s Michael Ronayne Joins Veteran Advocacy, Employment Working Group

    Michael P. Ronayne, director of Integrity Applications Inc.‘s operations in Dayton, Ohio, has joined a working group of industry representatives that will advise veterans on how to find civilian jobs. The Veterans and Employers’ Connection working group, sponsored by the Goodwill Easter Seals Miami Valley, will also discuss hiring practices for long-term jobs in the Miami […] More

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    Lockheed Delivers 17th Super Galaxy Airlifter to the U.S. Air Force

    Lockheed Martin has delivered the U.S. Air Force‘s 17th C-5M Super Galaxy strategic airlifter to the service’s Marietta, Ga.-based Dobbins Air Force Base. The Super Galaxy will next be moved to the Stewart Air National Base in New York to undergo internal paint restoration until finally reaching the Dover Air Force Base in Delaware, the company […] More

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    MBDA Team Fires Dual Mode Brimstone Missiles Against Moving Targets

    MBDA and program partners have conducted two trials of the company’s Dual Mode Brimstone missile technology aboard a remotely piloted aircraft that recorded nine hits against moving and maneuvering targets. The trials were held in December and January at U.S. Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake and used General Atomics‘ MQ-9 Reaper aircraft, MBDA said Friday. Dual Mode Brimstone weapons are […] More

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    General Dynamics Adds New Air Force GPS SATCOM Element Subcontract; Kirstan Rock Comments

    General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems will produce the network communications element for the Air Force‘s GPS III satellites under a $26 million subcontract with Lockheed Martin. The contract is a follow-on to previous deals with Lockheed that cover delivery of NCE components and procurement of parts for eight GPS III space vehicles, General Dynamics said Friday. Funding for NCEs […] More

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    Aerojet Rocketdyne Wins Defense Industry Award; Warren Boley Jr. Comments

    A team of Aerojet Rocketdyne employees, U.S. Air Force service members and Lawrence Livermore National Labs employees have won a defense industry award from the Precision Strike Association. The PSA’s William J. Perry Award recognized the team’s work on the BLU-129/B Precision Lethality MK-82 munition for the Air Force, the GenCorp subsidiary announced Tuesday. The […] More