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    Space X’s Falcon 9 Rocket Launches Japanese Comms Satellite

    SpaceX has launched a Space Systems Loral-built communications satellite for Japanese company SKY Perfect JSAT into orbit aboard a Falcon 9 rocket. The U.S. Air Force‘s 45th Space Wing supported the JCSAT-16 payload launch Sunday from the Space Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral AF Station in Florida, the service branch said Monday. JCSAT-16 is designed to serve as a […] More

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    Lockheed Martin Ships Another MC-130J Combat Transport Aircraft to Air Force

    Lockheed Martin has delivered an additional MC-130J Commando II combat transport and special operations tanker to the U.S. Air Force. The company said Monday the Air Force has assigned the aircraft to the Air Force Special Operations Command at Hurlburt Field in Florida The Lockheed-built MC-130J will succeed the legacy MC-130P Combat Shadow aircraft. The MC-130J is designed to support […] More

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    LMI-Led Team to Provide Environmental Remediation Support to Air Force

    The U.S. Air Force civil engineer center’s environmental restoration division has awarded an LMI-led team a one-year, $500,000 task order to provide systems engineering and other services to address program requirements. The consulting firm said Monday it will utilize its previous experience with similar U.S. Army environmental restoration programs, as well as the company’s environmental remediation services […] More

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    Air Force Seeks White Papers for Nuclear C3 Tech Devt Program

    The U.S. Air Force has asked industry to submit white papers for a potential four-year, $8.06 million program that seeks to develop, integrate and evaluate platforms and methods designed to update the service branch’s nuclear command, control and communication systems. The service branch said in a broad agency announcement posted Thursday on FedBizOpps the NC3 program […] More

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    Raytheon to Update Air Force GPS Receivers

    Raytheon has secured a $52.6 million task order to modernize the U.S. Air Force‘s miniature airborne global positioning system receiver 2000 in accordance with Defense Department and civil regulations. DoD said Friday the company will develop, test and deliver a military code/automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast capable and propose engineering changes to the baseline configuration. The MAGR 2000 design […] More

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    Pentagon Grants Milestone C Approval to Boeing’s KC-46A Pegasus Tanker

    Boeing has received Milestone C approval from Defense Department acquisition chief Frank Kendall for the KC-46A Pegasus aircraft the company will build to support aerial refueling operations of the U.S. Air Force. The Air Force said Friday it will award Boeing a pair of contracts within 30 days to manufacture the first two KC-46A low-rate initial production batches. […] More

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    Raytheon Partners With Air Force, Navy to Test-Fire 3 Sidewinder Missiles From F-35

    Raytheon has worked with the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy to test-fire three short-range, air-to-air missiles launched from an F-35A aircraft that resulted in direct hits against airborne targets. Raytheon said Wednesday the tests were conducted to assess the AIM-9X Block I Sidewinder‘s end-to-end system, which includes loading, in-flight carriage and guidance, launch initiation, separation, impact/proximity fuzing and target acquisition functions. […] More

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    Air Force Seeks to Increase Radio Signal Range Through CubeSat-Delivered Plasma

    The U.S. Air Force has awarded contracts to three teams to perform research and development work on long-range radio communications through the use of small satellites or CubeSats designed to release plasma bombs in the ionosphere, New Scientist reported Tuesday. David Hambling writes General Sciences and Drexel University have teamed up to develop a technique that […] More

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    Northrop Prepares AF Polar Region Satcom System for System Acceptance Test

    Northrop Grumman has helped deploy elements of a ground system that will work to provide satellite communications coverage for U.S. Air Force users in the North Polar region under a contract with the service branch. The company said Tuesday the Enhanced Polar System Control and Planning Segment is set to undergo system acceptance testing in 2017. Northrop delivered CAPS operations and test equipment hardware […] More

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    Air Force to Seek Industry Partners for Silicon Carbide Manufacturing Support

    The U.S. Air Force plans to seek industry partners that can manufacture silicon carbide substrates and epitaxial films to help develop radio frequency and power switching semiconductor devices. A pre-solicitation notice posted Friday on FedBizOpps says the Air Force is scheduled to issue a request for proposals on September 30 and the program could be worth $13.1 million and $11.2 million in government funds and […] More

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    Air Force to Complete F-35 Ejector Seat Equipment Modification Tests in September

    The U.S. Air Force will continue tests on two equipment modifications added to the Martin-Baker-developed ejection seat used on the service branch’s F-35 aircraft, Defense Tech reported Monday. Hope Hodge Seck writes the F-35 Joint Program Office has considered the addition of a lightweight crew sequencer switch and a head support panel between ejection seat risers to the US-16E ejection seat designs […] More

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    Cambridge Awarded Southcom Helicopter Training Center Services Task Order; Eric Garnier Comments

    Cambridge International Systems Inc. has received a task order to provide maintenance, training and logistics services to U.S. Southern Command for the Colombian Regional Helicopter Training Center. The company will work to maintain the OH-58 and TH-67 helicopter, standardize pilot instruction, train maintenance personnel and support airframe transition, Cambridge International Systems said Friday. Cambridge is […] More