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    MRIGlobal to Evaluate Tech, Specimen Processes for NIH Tuberculosis Research Initiatives

    A National Institutes of Health division has awarded MRIGlobal a potential $ 13.7 million contract to provide evaluation services in support of research initiatives on Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The company said Feb. 1 it will work to analyze Mtb tools and specimen processes for National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases clinical investigations under the Mtb Quality Assessment requirement. […] More

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    NIH Arm Hands Down Zika Vaccine Development Grant

    The National Institutes of Health‘s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases has awarded a two-year, $491,000 grant to the Infectious Disease Research Institute to design and develop a new Zika vaccine candidate. IDRI said Thursday it will work to develop platforms that users can utilize for rapid response to potential disease outbreaks. “The recent […] More