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    DHS S&T to Focus Upcoming Facebook Tech Talk on TTP Program

    The Department of Homeland Security’s Science and Technology Directorate will host a live Facebook Tech Talk on May 29 to initiate a discussion on a program designed to commercialize technologies that stem from  government-funded projects. DHS announced that it will present how the Transition to Practice program is accelerating the process of developing and distributing […] More

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    DHS Licenses 2 Cyber Tech Platforms to IP Group

    The Department of Homeland Security has licensed two Pacific Northwest National Laboratory-built cybersecurity platforms to intellectual property firm IP Group through the science and technology directorate’s Transition to Practice program. IP Group transitioned the Digital Ants and MLSTONES platforms to Cynash, a newly created portfolio company that will work to integrate the technologies with a cyber defense […] More

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    Johns Hopkins APL Develops Malware Analysis Tool Via DHS ‘Transition to Practice’ Program

    Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory has developed malware analysis software under a Department of Homeland Security program that helped transition the platform from the lab to a newly established company. Oregon-based startup Deterministic Security aims to commercialize the REnigma technology to help government and enterprise users review and record the execution of malware codes, DHS said Wednesday. REnigma is […] More

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    Homeland Security Tools Available to Private Sector

    The Department of Homeland Security’s Transition to Practice office has helped make dozens of technologies developed by government labs or research partners commercially viable, including eight tools licensed by private companies, 15 tools piloted within government or the private sector, and five offered as open source code, said Program Manager Nadia Carlsten Tuesday. Akatosh is […] More

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    Ernst & Young to Offer LANL’s Behavioral Cyber Tools in Commercial Market

    Ernst & Young and the Los Alamos National Laboratory have entered into a strategic alliance to bring the lab’s behavioral cybersecurity tools to the commercial marketplace amid a growing sophistication of attacks. “Defensive cybersecurity is an area that requires strong public-private partnerships to shift the balance,” Duncan McBranch, chief technology officer at LANL, said Tuesday. EY will exclusively offer technologies […] More