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    Horace Blackman: Lockheed to Support VA Health Benefits Enrollment System Modernization

    Lockheed Martin‘s Systems Made Simple subsidiary has been awarded a 39-month, $33.3 million task order to help the Department of Veterans Affairs update and maintain VA’s Enrollment Health Benefits Determination system. The subsidiary will provide technical architecture analysis and design and management services to the EHBD program as well as develop enrollment platforms and VistA electronic health records systems for the department, Lockheed […] More

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    VA Taps ManTech’s 7 Delta Subsidiary for Cloud Computing Tool

    The Department of Veterans Affairs has awarded a potential three-year, $48.6 million task order to a ManTech International subsidiary for a cloud computing infrastructure and migration services. 7Delta will deliver a cloud setup to the VA for the department to access information technology infrastructure services, ManTech said Wednesday. ManTech said 7Delta will migrate all parts […] More

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    Deltek’s Alex Rossino: VA Spent $153M on Cloud Via T4 Vehicle

    Cloud computing has dominated the Department of Veterans Affairs‘ information technology spending via the Transformation Twenty-One Total Technology contract vehicle, totaling an estimated $153 million spread across several projects, according to Deltek‘s Alex Rossino. Rossino, a principal research analyst, writes Tuesday that VA’s cloud spending mainly focuses on mobile and health IT capabilities and services. “In this sense, the […] More

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    CCSi Receives VA Contract to Allow Rural-area Veteran Access to Benefit Systems

    Creative Computing Solutions Inc., today announced it has been awarded a contract to support the Department of Veterans Affairs through the delivery of services to various offices across the nation. This task order is just one more award that CCSi has received under the VA’s Transformation Twenty-one Total Technology (T4) contract. “Veterans living in rural […] More