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    Raytheon Systems and Technologies Undergo Performance Tests as USS Zumwalt Completes Trials

    The USS Zumwalt’s key functions and Raytheon-made systems underwent performance tests as the ship sailed through acceptance and builder’s trials. The company’s Total Ship Computing Environment integrated mission system and all other systems, including DDG 1000’s engineering control systems, integrated bridge, navigation and electro-optic surveillance systems, passed the performance test during the trials trials, Raytheon said Friday. Pat […] More

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    Navy Tests Raytheon-Built Systems Onboard Zumwalt Destroyer Ship

    The U.S. Navy has demonstrated Raytheon-built computing applications onboard the lead ship in the branch’s Zumwalt class of destroyers. Raytheon said Wednesday the DDG 1000‘s total ship computing environment and engineering control systems functioned during a week-long trial at sea. The TSCE infrastructure comprises a combat management, ship and machinery control, embedded training, damage control and C4I […] More