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    ICF Subsidiary Selected for EC Communication Services

    An ICF International subsidiary has received a possible 4-year, $18 million communication framework service contract in support of the European Commission’s Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. The company said Monday its ICF Mostra will work to develop and implement communication strategies in line with online and offline communication trends for EASME and the Directorates General for climate action, […] More

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    European Commission Taps ICF Subsidiary for Event Mgmt Services

    An ICF International subsidiary has secured a potential four-year, $36.8 million contract to help the European Commission’s Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises carry out its work to plan, organize and launch different types of events. ICF Mostra will also provide event management services to EC directorates-general for climate action, agriculture and rural development, mobility and transport, energy and internal […] More

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    ICF Lands European Commission Event Mgmt Contract; Tobias Schafer Comments

    ICF International has been awarded a four-year, $15 million contract to provide event management services for the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy. ICF will organize DG REGIO events such as the next series of Open Days institutional events in Brussels, where European Union, national, regional and local leaders and fund managers and final […] More