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    NASA Receives Ball Aerospace-Built Cryocooler for Landsat 9 Satellite Instrument

    Ball Aerospace has built and delivered a flight cryocooler for the thermal sensor instrument of an Earth observation satellite that NASA aims to launch in December 2020. NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland received the Landsat 9 Thermal Infrared Sensor-2 cryocooler ahead of a scheduled instrument integration and test, Ball Aerospace said Wednesday. The cryocooler is designed to lower the temperature […] More

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    Ball Aerospace to Build 2nd Imaging Instrument for NASA’s Landsat 9

    Ball Aerospace & Technologies will manufacture the second Operational Land Imager instrument for NASA‘s Landsat 9 Earth observation satellite under a potential six-year, $19.3 million sole-source letter contract. The company said Thursday it will build Operational Land Imager-2, which works to generate satellite imagery that will support studies on the impact of natural and man-induced activities on Earth’s surface. […] More

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    Surrey Subsidiary to Research Landsat Sensor Alternatives; Doug Gerull Comments

    Surrey Satellite Technology US will conduct a study on sustainable land imaging reduced instrument envelope as an alternative to the current Landsat imaging sensors under a new contract from NASA‘s Goddard Space Flight Center. The Colorado-based subsidiary of Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. said Friday the six-month study will look into developing a smaller form factor for the sensors installed on […] More