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    DOE to Fund 64 R&D Projects Under Commercial Energy Innovation Program

    The Energy Department has announced that it will allocate more than $20M for 64 projects aimed at developing innovative energy technologies and promoting them to the commercial industry. DOE will support teams of national laboratories and private sector companies through the Office of Technology Transitions’ Technology Commercialization Fund, which will also require private, non-federal entities to […] More

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    Lockheed’s Sandia Subsidiary to Receive Energy Tech Project Funds From DOE

    The Energy Department will support two technology development initiatives at Sandia National Laboratories for eventual transmission into the commercial market. Sandia Labs said Tuesday its Sandia Cooler and BA-BZT-BT capacitors projects will receive an equal amount of non-federal money with the other selected energy projects from TCF to match the federal investment. Lockheed Martin‘s Sandia Corp. subsidiary operates the laboratory […] More

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    DOE Aims to Help Commercialize 2 Energy Technologies From Los Alamos Nat’l Lab

    The Department of Energy has awarded $850,000 in funds to support groundwater restoration and fractured rock characterization projects at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico under DOE’s Technology Commercialization Fund. DOE picked a total of 54 energy technology projects that involve collaboration between 12 national laboratories and 52 companies as part of an effort to help businesses move technologies from the lab to the market, LANL said […] More

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    DOE Seeks Proposals for Funding Opportunity on Energy Tech Transfer

    The Energy Department has issued the first request for proposals on the office of technology transition’s Technology Commercialization Fund, which seeks to support the transfer of energy-related technologies to the commercial market. DOE said Friday the $20 million funding opportunity aims to facilitate the commercialization of technologies developed as part of federally funded research projects at the 17 […] More