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    Tanaz Shahrzad: PSS Unit to Support FBI’s Financial Mgmt Tech Procurement

    A Preferred Systems Solutions subsidiary has been awarded a five-year blanket purchase agreement to help the FBI procure financial management tools and services. PSS said Wednesday its Government Contract Solutions arm and partner Erimax will provide acquisition, program management and costing and pricing services to FBI’s finance division procurement department. Tanaz Shahrzad, vice president of GCS’ […] More

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    Tanaz Shahrzad: GCS to Help Lockheed Update Federal Acquisition Service’s Applications

    Lockheed Martin will work with professional services contractor GCS to refresh the application infrastructure for the General Services Administration’s Federal Acquisition Service under a potential $400 million task order. Lockheed selected McLean, Virginia-based GCS to provide operation, maintenance, enhancement and development services for the CIO Applications, Maintenance, Enhancements, and Operations as a subcontractor, GCS said Tuesday. Tanaz Shahrzad, GCS […] More