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    Cubic Taps CPI for UAV Ground Terminal, Antennas

    Cubic‘s mission solutions business has awarded multiple contracts to Communications and Power Industries to supply a ground data terminal and antennas for unmanned aerial vehicle operations, Space Daily reported Wednesday. CPI will provide the HD-30T Ground Data Terminal and tactical airborne common data link antennas, such as the AT-20 two-axis Data Link Antenna, to Cubic. HD-30T is […] More

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    Henry Finneral: Textron Works on 2 New Variants of Shadow Tactical UAS

    Henry Finneral, vice president of tactical unmanned aircraft systems at Textron, has said the company plans to equip two upcoming variants of its Shadow TUAS with modern payload, communications and power systems in an interview with Defense News posted Friday. Jen Judson writes Textron also looks to test new weapons such as a company-built laser guided bomb on its future V2 and […] More

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    Army Issues RFI on Gray Eagle UAS Data Link Update

    The Army has unveiled its plans to update the data link of MQ-1C Gray Eagle unmanned aircraft systems. A request for information posted Aug. 27 asks for vendors that can provide receivers, antennas, modems and satellite communication components for the drone’s data link system. The Army wants to equip the drone with a ground SATCOM tool, new Tactical Common Data Link […] More