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    In-Q-Tel, Red Balloon Forge Embedded Security Tech Devt Partnership

    In-Q-Tel has established a strategic partnership with Red Balloon Security to help the New York City-based cybersecurity firm further develop a security platform for embedded devices. Red Balloon’s Symbiote Defense technology is compatible with firmware stacks, operating systems and hardware and works to provide embedded devices with endpoint security, IQT said Wednesday. Ang Cui, CEO and founder of […] More

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    Small Business Red Balloon Security to Update Cybersecurity Tool for DHS

    The Department of Homeland Security science and technology directorate has awarded Red Balloon Security a $746,756 Small Business Innovation Research contract to update its Symbiote Defense intrusion detection system for the agency. DHS said Thursday the New York-based company will inject four new features to the system as part of the Hybrid Prediction for Embedded Malware project under the two-year SBIR […] More