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    NASA Solar Probe Team Reports Mission Progress

    The team in charge of NASA‘s Parker Solar Probe has observed that the spacecraft is performing as planned, Space News reported Friday. Andy Driesman, who manages the mission from Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, said in a statement that the spacecraft is operating as designed, and the team is moving forward with commissioning activities. The […] More

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    ULA’s Delta V Heavy Rocket Launches NASA Solar Probe

    A solar probe that Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory designed and produced for NASA took off Sunday aboard United Launch Alliance’s Delta IV Heavy rocket from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. The Parker Solar Probe will deploy its magnetometer boom and high-gain antenna in the mission’s first week and kick off in September […] More

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    NASA to Launch Parker Solar Probe in August

    NASA has announced it will launch the car-sized Parker Solar Probe on Aug. 6 for a mission to study the sun at a close distance. The spacecraft will launch aboard a United Launch Alliance Delta IV Heavy rocket, as part of a project headed by Nicky Fox, a scientist from Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab, NASA said […] More

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    Bart De Pontieu: Lockheed-Led Team Observes Solar Atmospheric Activity With NASA’s IRIS

    A Lockheed Martin-led team has discovered new information on the sun’s atmosphere through NASA‘s Interface Region Imaging Spectograph as part of a mission to study energy transfer and the impact of solar atmospheric activity. “The results focus on a lot of things that have been puzzling for a long time and they also offer some complete surprises,” […] More