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    Northrop Hands Lockheed 4th Payload for AEHF Satellite

    Northrop Grumman has delivered the fourth protected military communications payload for the U.S. Air Force‘s Advanced Extremely High Frequency satellite to prime contractor Lockheed Martin ahead of its integration with the AEHF payload module. Northrop said Monday it will perform payload integration while Lockheed works on satellite bus unit integration as part of a hybrid satellite integration and test approach. The […] More

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    Northrop-Built Comm Payload on AEHF Satellite Passes On-Orbit Test; Stuart Linsky Comments

    Northrop Grumman‘s communications payload for the Advanced Extremely High Frequency satellite has passed on-orbit testing conducted by the U.S. Air Force and deemed able to configure communications networks with ground terminals. The company said Tuesday the payload on the AEHF-3 began signal transmission in January as the satellite reached geostationary orbit alongside other satellites in a constellation named the “ring of […] More