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    Galois-Guardtime Federal Team to Validate Integrity Monitoring System for DARPA

    A team comprised of Galois and Guardtime Federal has received a $1.8 million contract from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency to verify the effectiveness of a blockchain technology-based integrity monitoring system against sophisticated security threats. DARPA asked the companies to jointly test if Guardtime Federal’s Keyless Signature Infrastructure can detect advanced persistent threats hidden within computer networks, Galois said Friday. The goal […] More

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    Galois Receives Contract Under DARPA Program to Develop System Security Strategy

    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has awarded a $10 million contract under its Cyber Fault-tolerant Attack Recovery program to Galois for services to address security vulnerabilities in military and commercial system code bases. A Galois-led team — which includes Trail of Bits, Immunant and the University of California in Irvine — will deploy the Robust, Assured Diversity for Software […] More