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    CSRA-Led Team Expands Capacity of NIH Supercomputing Cluster; Kamal Narang Comments

    CSRA has led an industry team in efforts to boost the computing capacity of the National Institutes of Health‘s supercomputing cluster. The company said Wednesday it installed the second computing power increment to the Biowulf supercomputing system designed to run computations in genomics, image processing, statistical analysis and other biomedical research efforts. The second increment follows […] More

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    CSRA-Led Team Completes Updates to NIH Supercomputing Infrastructure

    A consortium led by CSRA has expanded a supercomputing cluster at the National Institutes of Health’s Center for Information Technology in an effort to help NIH researchers process and analyze large data sets. The company and its partners added the latest computing power increment to the Biowulf infrastructure that NIH uses to perform computations in genomics, image processing, statistical analysis and biomedical research projects, […] More