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    France Orders Thales Mini Reconnaissance UAVs

    Thales has been selected to supply up to 210 mini unmanned aerial vehicles to France beginning next year in an effort to help the country’s armed forces access imagery in real time. France’s defense procurement agency asked the company to provide Spy’Ranger  reconnaissance UAVs, ground equipment and related technical support to the French military, Thales said Thursday. Jean-Pascal Arrou-Vignod, […] More

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    Thales Introduces Mini ISR Unmanned Aerial System

    Thales has unveiled a new small drone technology intended to support intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance operations of military and security organizations. The company built Spy’Ranger with Aviation Design and is demonstrating the mini-drone at the ongoing Milipol Paris trade show, Thales said Wednesday. The unmanned aircraft is designed with a gimbal that works to stabilize the drone’s camera and sensor equipment if […] More