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    NASA Sets March Launch Date for Orbital ATK’s 7th ISS Cargo Flight

    Orbital ATK has delivered the pressurized cargo module for the Cygnus spacecraft to NASA’s Kennedy Space Center ahead of a scheduled launch in March. The spacecraft will undergo processing and assembly at the facility and its shipment concludes a new milestone for NASA’s next International Space Station cargo mission, NASA said Tuesday. NASA plans to launch the […] More

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    Lockheed Finishes Encapsulation Work on EchoStar XIX Broadband Satellite

    Lockheed Martin has encapsulated an EchoStar broadband satellite into a launch vehicle fairing platform ahead of a scheduled Dec. 18 launch aboard United Launch Alliance‘s Atlas V 431 rocket. The EchoStar XIX satellite was connected to an adapter and enclosed in a “nose cone” as part of the encapsulation, Lockheed said Monday. Lockheed secured a contract in August 2015 to provide launch support services […] More

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    ULA Rocket to Send NASA-NOAA Weather Satellite Into Orbit

    United Launch Alliance, a joint venture of Boeing and Lockheed Martin, is scheduled to launch a weather monitoring satellite Nov. 19 for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and NASA. The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-R will lift atop ULA’s  Atlas V 541 configuration rocket from the Space Launch Complex-41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida, ULA said Sunday. […] More