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    General Dynamics, Navy to Christen 17th Virginia-Class Nuclear Submarine

    General Dynamics‘ Electric Boat subsidiary will host a christening event for the U.S. Navy’s future nuclear-powered attack submarine USS South Dakota on Saturday at a company shipyard in Groton, Connecticut. South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard will be a principal speaker at the ceremony and Deanie Dempsey, wife of former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Martin Dempsey, will […] More

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    SBA Taps 21 Partners to Support Agency’s Small Biz Innovation Programs

    The Small Business Administration has awarded $325,000 in grant funds to 21 organizations to assist the agency in efforts to help entrepreneurs get more involved in the government’s Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer Programs. SBA said Thursday it chose 16 state and local economic development agencies, business development centers, colleges and universities to receive a combined $125,000 under the […] More