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    KBR to Help Naval Group Design Australian Submarine Construction Yard

    Naval Group has subcontracted KBR to support the concept design of a proposed shipyard for the Australian navy’s future class of submarines. KBR said Wednesday it will help Naval Group produce and deliver the concept design for a South Australian-based Future Submarine construction yard to the Australian government by July. Naval Group aims to build the facility at Osborne […] More

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    Report: Brett Newell Appointed Boeing South Australia Regional Director

    Brett Newell, P-8 Poseidon program manager at the Australian defense business of Boeing, has been named as the unit’s regional director for South Australia, Defence Connect reported Monday. The report said the nearly 11-year company veteran will lead Boeing Defence Australia’s industry collaboration, education partnership,  community engagement and workforce growth initiatives across the region in his new position. […] More

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    CSC to Open South Australia-Based Office After Computing Tech, Service Contract Win

    Computer Sciences Corp. has announced plans to set up a new office in Adelaide, South Australia, after it received a seven-year contract to provide desktop computers, tablets, laptops and other digital devices as well as end-user computing services to government agencies in the state. CSC will make a $5 million investment to establish the new office in […] More

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    South Australia Eyes Single Integration Hub for Ground Combat Systems

    The South Australian government looks to establish a defense technology center dedicated to integrating and supporting land combat systems for Australia’s military, the Lead South Australia reported Tuesday. Jim Plouffe writes Jay Weatherill, premier of South Australia state, said the proposed Land Integration and Innovation Center will be built at Edinburgh Parks and will use an agile approach to address […] More

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    David Johnston: Boeing-Led Team to Help Australia Refresh HF Comm System

    A team of companies led by Boeing will help the Australian defense department update the military’s high-frequency communications system under a contract worth more than $26 million. Alcatel Lucent and Ebor Computing will work with Boeing and Australia’s defense materials organization to bring new communications tools to maturity, Australian Defense Minister David Johnston said Monday. “This contract… builds upon […] More