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    Army Performs Multinode Distributed Test of Northrop Battle Command System

    The U.S. Army has tested long-range network management features of the Northrop Grumman-built Integrated Air and Missile Defense Battle Command System. IBCS helped soldiers maintain video, data and voice connectivity through network management, execute and track simulated threats and identify aerial objects as “friend or foe” during the five-week soldier checkout event held with air-and-missile defense […] More

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    Army Demos Northrop Battle Command System in Phase II Soldier Checkout Event

    The U.S. Army has conducted a live-air exercise to evaluate the Northrop Grumman-built Integrated Air and Missile Defense Battle Command System in a joint force operational environment. IBCS helped soldiers gather and combine data from ground and aerial sensors to establish an integrated aerial view needed to carry out multi-domain defense operations with the U.S. Marine […] More

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    Army Conducts Soldier Checkout Event Test for Northrop Battle Command System

    The U.S. Army has wrapped up a developmental test of the Northrop Grumman-built Integrated Air and Missile Defense Battle Command System. IBCS worked as a command-and-control platform for air defenders and helped them counter tactical ballistic missile threats through 26 simulated air battles during the three-week soldier checkout event held in August at Tobin Wells in Fort […] More