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    Rebellion Defense, SOCOM-Backed Innovation Factory Extend Cybersecurity Partnership

    SOFWERX, an innovation platform co-founded by the U.S. Special Operations Command, granted Rebellion Defense a follow-on contract to gain extended access to an automated cybersecurity platform. The award follows a demonstration of Nova Software, a product designed to mimic cyber kill chains and other advanced persistent threats, Rebellion said Tuesday. Nova employs Mitre’s ATT&CK knowledge […] More

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    Cybercom, Nonprofit Form Cyber Tech Prototyping Partnership

    U.S. Cyber Command and the nonprofit organization Maryland Innovation and Security Institute have established a new partnership that seeks to facilitate collaboration among government, industry and academic institutions to build new cyber platforms, Fifth Domain reported Friday. DreamPort “provides a venue for robust collaboration, problem solving and innovation; includes prototyping; and provides many contracting options,” […] More

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    CrowdOptic, SOFWERX Partner to Develop Target-Locating Mobile App for USSOCOM

    CrowdOptic has entered into an alliance with SOFWERX to deploy a mobile application that will work to help U.S. Special Operations Command field operatives relay data on specified targets to central command. The app will utilize CrowdOptic’s focal clustering technology and proprietary algorithms to deliver live-streams of targets and their GPS location, CrowdOptic said Thursday. “SOF partner forces typically rely on personal cell […] More