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    SAP Unveils Network Exploration App to Predict, Monitor Emergencies

    SAP has launched a new network exploration application the company designed to help government agencies detect and predict emergencies. The company said Tuesday its SAP Connection Discovery for Public Services plug-and-play software runs on the SAP HANA in-memory data platform. “[Connection discovery] will reveal previously unconsidered dynamics between people, objects, locations and events in a wide variety of scenarios,” said […] More

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    AWS Includes uReveal Data Mining Tool on Intell Community Marketplace; Ren Mohan Comments

    Amazon Web Services has added the conceptual data mining and analytic offering of uReveal to an AWS-run intelligence community marketplace for cloud-based products and services. UReveal said Wednesday its software will work to help IC analysts manage and examine raw data in real time as well as view structured or unstructured data in a unified view. Ren Mohan, chief […] More

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    Air Force Seeks New Analytical Approaches to Boost Decision-Making Capacity

    The U.S. Air Force looks to develop new approaches to information fusion and analysis as well as new techniques to provide intelligence to decisionmakers using service-oriented architecture, open standards and analytical algorithms. A broad agency announcement published Wednesday on FedBizOpps calls for analytic services that can help the military branch understand data sources such as multi-intelligence and source fusion. The service branch also […] More

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    Clemson Receives Siemens Software Bundle to Support STEM Students

    Siemens has provided Clemson University access to the company’s $357.2 million product lifecycle management software bundle in an effort to bolster student employment in the manufacturing industry. The company said Monday the bundle will include its LMS, NX and Femap softwares and Fibersim and Tecnomatix portfolios to support undergraduate and graduate studies at Clemson’s college of engineering, computing and applied sciences. […] More

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    Xybion to Help Automate Army’s Biosafety Research Operations

    Xybion has been selected to provide a preclinical management platform for the U.S. Army to automate scientific research operations at the military branch’s Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick in Maryland. The company will deploy its Pristima Suite to USAMRIID’s biosafety facility as well as perform system validation, configuration and training support services, said Tuesday. Pristima is designed to help users track […] More

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    DoD, Lockheed Develop F-35 Cost-Tracking Software Through ‘FlexFile’ Program

    The Defense Department and Lockheed Martin have developed cost-tracking software related to the procurement of F-35 lot 3 aircraft through the FlexFile program, DoD News reported Wednesday. Jim Garamone writes DoD’s cost assessment and program evaluation office developed the FlexFile program in an effort to help DoD estimators facilitate collection of data from contractors and […] More

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    Verocel to Supply Safety Computers for FAA Air Navigation Tool

    The Federal Aviation Administration has awarded Verocel a $2.8 million contract for 50 safety computers to support an FAA air navigation tool that aims to augment the GPS system. Verocel said Tuesday it will develop, design and build certification evidence and infrastructure software for the computers. The company will partner with Curtiss-Wright and Atrenne Integrated Solutions to provide […] More

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    Engility Lands Navy Tactical Afloat Network Support Extension; Lynn Dugle Comments

    Engility will provide software and networking support to the U.S. Navy‘s tactical afloat network under an 18-month, $16 million task order extension from the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Atlantic. The company said Thursday it will help the service branch manage data, transport, voice and video services, systems and cybersecurity of the Consolidated Afloat Networks and Enterprise Services program. Engility will also […] More

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    Army Taps QSM for Software Cost Estimation Services

    The U.S. Army has awarded Quantitative Software Management four prime contracts to provide cost estimation and technical support services for the military branch’s software development and maintenance efforts. QSM said Wednesday it will work to help the Army predict cost requirements to develop and maintain software platforms as well as analyze data and establish predictive cost relationships. The contracts support the Army’s efforts to […] More

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    IBM Develops Documentation Software for Social Services Grant Program

    IBM has developed a software tool to help nonprofit social service organizations evaluate and document their initiatives as part of the company’s $18 million grant program. IBM said Thursday its free cloud-hosted SafetyNet software works to support record keeping and analysis to help organizations address budgetary accountability, program quality and customer service issues. SafetyNet is based on IBM Curam‘s open source technology […] More

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    Army Selects PacStar Software for Wireless Comms Mgmt; Peggy Miller Comments

    PacStar has been selected by the U.S. Army to provide a software platform for the military service to manage the security of wireless command posts. The Army chose PacStar’s IQ-Core Software with Commercial Solutions for Classified  Plug-In to help secure classified information as part of the Warfighter Information Network-Tactical Increment 1 program, the company said Thursday. PacStar noted the plug-in will work to address setup, […] More