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    IARPA Launches Small UAV Imagery Enhancement Challenge

    The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Agency has launched a prize challenge for the research community to help IARPA restore and enhance imagery from sensors mounted on small unmanned aerial vehicles. The UG2 Prize Challenge is open to computational photography and image processing algorithm developers from industry and academia. Chris Boehnen, a program manager at IARPA, said in a statement […] More

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    Research and Markets: FAA Regulation Rollback to Drive UAV Market Through 2020

    Research and Markets predicts in a report that the global market for unmanned aerial vehicles will climb in value to $5.59 billion by 2020 at a compound annual growth rate of 32.22 percent. The company said Monday its report identifies the Federal Aviation Administration‘s relaxed regulation of commercial UAV drone operations after 2014 as the factor […] More

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    Report: Rising Usage of Small UAVs Boosts Market for Counter-UAV Systems

    The increasing usage of small unmanned aerial vehicles is driving industry to respond with new technologies that work to protect infrastructure and people from potential UAV threats, Defense News reported Saturday. Andrew Chuter writes that MBDA, Thales‘ subsidiary in the Netherlands and other companies have introduced new counter-UAV equipment at the recent Paris Air Show, […] More

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    Jay McConville: Lockheed Sets Sights on Civil, Commercial UAV Market

    Jay McConville, director of business development for unmanned solutions at Lockheed Martin, said the contractor is studying several avenues toward marketing its small unmanned aerial vehicles to civil and commercial clients, the National Defense Magazine reported Monday. Yasmin Tadjdeh writes that the executive, speaking to reporters earlier in the week, highlighted the demand small drones have generated […] More