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    Lockheed-Built ‘InSight’ Spacecraft Lands on Mars

    A spacecraft that Lockheed Martin built for NASA’s Mars exploration mission landed Monday on the red planet’s surface. The InSight Mars Lander made its descent on Elysium Planitia in the planet’s equatorial region and transmitted a tone through its X-band small deep space transponder seven minutes after the spacecraft’s landing, Lockheed said Monday. The spacecraft […] More

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    Lockheed-Made InSight Spacecraft Passes Halfway Mark in Journey Towards Mars

    A Lockheed Martin-made spacecraft designed to study Mars’ deep interior has traveled halfway towards the red planet. NASA said Tuesday the Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodsey and Heat Transport or InSight spacecraft covered 172M miles since it was launched in May aboard United Launch Alliance’s Atlas V rocket from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. […] More

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    NASA to Study Mars Seismic Activity With Lockheed-Built Spacecraft

    NASA aims to launch a Lockheed Martin-built spacecraft next month on a mission to study the interior and seismic activity of Mars. InSight is scheduled to lift off May 5 from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California aboard an Atlas V 401 rocket and built to explore the red planet’s crust, mantle and core, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory said […] More

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    NASA OKs May 2018 Launch Date for Lockheed-Built InSight Mars Lander

    NASA‘s science mission directorate has cleared the space agency’s new plan to launch a Lockheed Martin-built robotic spacecraft May 5, 2018 as part of efforts to investigate the deep interior of Mars. The agency said Friday it expects the Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport lander to reach the Red Planet by Nov. 26, 2018. “Our robotic scientific explorers […] More