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    Security Devices International Releases 40 Ammo Product

    Security Devices International has released a new 40mm ammunition round offering that employs a company-made collapsible head technology. The Collapsible Head Impact Projectile is based on a blunt impact projectile and designed for law enforcement use, SDI said Wednesday. CHIP completed third-party tests in accordance with NATO’s AEP-99 Thorax Injury Risk Assessment of Less-Lethal Projectiles. Evaluators found that SDI’s […] More

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    Keith Morrison Appointed Board Chair at Defense Tech Company SDI

    Keith Morrison, CEO of Canadian technology firm Gedex, has been appointed chairman of the board at defense technology firm Security Devices International following the latter company’s annual stockholders meeting on Wednesday. SDI said Monday that Morrison will aim to guide the company’s growth by using his previous business and corporate governance experience. Morrison is a board member at Marengo […] More