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    IBM-SecureKey Alliance to Create Digital Identity & Attribute Sharing Network for Consumers

    IBM has partnered with SecureKey Technologies to develop a blockchain-based digital identity and attribute sharing network for consumers. The network will work to help consumers instantly validate their identity for services such as new bank accounts, driver’s licenses and utilities, IBM said Monday. Marie Wieck, general manager of IBM’s Blockchain service, said IBM and SecureKey work with members of Canada’s […] More

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    FedRAMP Board Approves SecureKey’s ID Authentication Tool; Charles Walton Comments

    SecureKey Technologies has received the FedRAMP Joint Authorization Board provisional authority to operate for the company’s exchange cloud-based identity and authentication platform after a review by third-party assessor Veris Group. The platform will work to help citizens use and access digital government services with government-approved, commercially issued online credentials, SecureKey said Tuesday. “Looking ahead to a digital future, identity services will be vital […] More