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    Huntington Ingalls Delivers Modernized USS Abraham Lincoln Carrier to Navy

    Huntington Ingalls Industries has turned over the USS Abraham Lincoln nuclear-powered aircraft carrier to the U.S. Navy following sea trials and a recapitalization effort. HII said Friday the sea trials validated the carrier’s systems that underwent refueling and complex overhaul, or RCOH, at the company’s Newport News Shipbuilding division. The Navy awarded HII a potential $2.6 billion contract in […] More

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    Huntington Ingalls Tests Navy’s Washington Submarine at Sea

    Huntington Ingalls Industries has tested the components, systems and compartments of the U.S. Navy‘s future nuclear-powered attack submarine Washington (SSN 787) during an initial round of sea trials. Washington is built through a teaming agreement between HII’s Newport News Shipbuilding division and General Dynamics’ Electric Boat subsidiary. HII said Monday. The Virginia-class submarine functioned at a high speed underwater […] More

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    Navy Eyes Delivery of Huntington Ingalls-Built USS Ford Carrier in April

    A U.S. Navy official has said the service branch expects Huntington Ingalls Industries to deliver the USS Gerald R. Ford aircraft carrier in April after “first-of-class issues” have been addressed in recent months, The Virginian-Pilot reported Thursday. Capt. Thurraya Kent, a spokeswoman for the assistant secretary of the Navy for research, development and acquisition, said in an […] More

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    Australia’s 1st Hobart-Class Air Warfare Destroyer Completes Initial At-Sea Tests

    A partnership between Australia’s defense department, shipbuilding company ASC and Raytheon‘s Australian subsidiary has completed phase one trials for the first of the country’s three Hobart-class destroyers, The Lead South Australia reported Monday. Caleb Radford writes the Air Warfare Destroyer Alliance performed the HMAS Hobart  builder’s sea trials off the coast of South Australia to evaluate the ship’s hull, propulsion and navigation systems. AWD Alliance General Manager […] More

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    Navy Tests Raytheon-Built Systems Onboard Zumwalt Destroyer Ship

    The U.S. Navy has demonstrated Raytheon-built computing applications onboard the lead ship in the branch’s Zumwalt class of destroyers. Raytheon said Wednesday the DDG 1000‘s total ship computing environment and engineering control systems functioned during a week-long trial at sea. The TSCE infrastructure comprises a combat management, ship and machinery control, embedded training, damage control and C4I […] More