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    Charles River Analytics-Led Team to Support IARPA’s Insider Threat Detection Program

    Charles River Analytics has secured a potential $3.75 million contract to help the  Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity develop probabilistic relational models as part of IARPA’s insider threat detection program. The company said Monday it formed a team comprised of Assured Information Security, Applied Marketing Science and Cognitio to support the Scientific advances to Continuous Insider Threat Detection Program. The consortium will […] More

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    ODNI’s IARPA Seeks Proposals for Insider Threat Evaluation Program

    The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence is seeking proposals for a program that aims to develop and assess methods for insider threat detection. The Scientific advances to Continuous Insider Threat Evaluation initiative will be carried out in two separate research efforts and is slated to commence in December, IARPA said in a […] More