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    Galois Secures DOE Funding to Create Platform for Data Sharing, Privacy Preservation

    Galois will develop a platform for enabling data analysis while ensuring its privacy as part of a grant awarded by the Department of Energy under its Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer programs. The research and development company said Monday the envisioned TRIFECTA platform will use secure hardware enclaves, differential privacy and […] More

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    NASA Selects 43 Additional Small Biz Tech R&D Proposals

    NASA has announced 43 new awards worth $5.4 million combined under the first phase of the space agency’s 2018 Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer programs. The agency said Tuesday its Marshall Space Flight Center will manage the additional awards, which came two months after the initial selection of 348 SBIR and STTR proposals to develop technology platforms in areas […] More

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    DOE to Fund 14 Window Coating Devt Projects Through SHIELD Program

    The Energy Department has awarded $31 million in total funds to support 14 window coating and windowpane development projects as part of the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy’s Single-Pane Highly Insulating Efficient Lucid Design program. DOE said Monday ARPA-E’s SHIELD program seeks to retrofit single-pane windows through the development of novel window coatings and other materials designed to […] More