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    SSL-Managed MDA Division Gets NASA Recognition for ISS Robotic Servicing Support; Rich White Comments

    A Space Systems Loral-managed division of MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates has received recognition from NASA for its support on a January robotic servicing mission at the International Space Station. SSL said Wednesday the Johnson Space Center acknowledged the support of MDA US Systems in planning and validating the maneuvers to update the ISS power system using the Special Purpose Dextrous Manipulator robotic arm. Rich White, […] More

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    DARPA, Space Systems Loral Reach Draft Partnership Agreement on On-Orbit Robotic Servicer R&D

    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and Space Systems Loral have drafted a partnership agreement to develop technologies that would facilitate autonomous repair and maintenance of satellites in geosynchronous orbit. Both parties aim to jointly fund and perform technology development efforts under the Robotic Servicing of Geosynchronous Satellites program as part of the agreement, DARPA said Thursday. The RSGS public-private partnership is subject to review […] More

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    Space Systems Loral to Build Robotic Arm for DARPA Satellite Servicing Program; Al Tadros Comments

    Space Systems Loral has been awarded a $20.7 million contract to build a robotic arm for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s servicing program for geosynchronous satellites. The company said Thursday it will design two robotic arm systems to capture and dock with satellites and carry multiple tools to carry out requirements of the Robotic Servicing […] More

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    Bill Vincent: Naval Research Lab to Help DARPA Build Robotic Satellite Servicer

    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has partnered with the Naval Research Laboratory to build and evaluate payload technology for DARPA’s Robotic Servicing of Geosynchronous Satellites initiative. NRL’s Naval Center for Space Technology will act as the lead payload developer for the RSGS program that aims to facilitate autonomous inspection, repositioning, repair and maintenance of satellites in orbit, the laboratory said Monday. A team of […] More

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    DARPA Eyes Public-Private Partnership for Robotic Space Servicing Program

    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is looking at potential public-private partnerships to advance the Robotic Servicing of Geosynchronous Satellites program, which pushes to enable robotic support for geosynchronous Earth orbit satellites within five years. DARPA said Friday RSGS looks to create a commercially owned and operated robotic servicing vehicle with an agency-built toolkit to be integrated with a privately-made spacecraft. The […] More