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    Bob Fecteau: SAIC Adopts BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 Server

    Science Applications International Corp. has implemented the BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 platform to manage and secure corporate mobile devices that run on BlackBerry, Apple iOS and Android operating systems. SAIC has also deployed BlackBerry 10 smartphones and a Secure Work Space containerization platform that works to separate business and personal data, BlackBerry said Monday. “Implementing BlackBerry’s […] More

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    SAIC Deputy CIO Linda Howard Named ‘One to Watch’ by CIO Magazine, Exec Council

    Linda Howard, senior vice president and deputy chief information officer at Science Applications International Corp., has been selected for a 2014 “CIO Ones to Watch Award” by International Data Group‘s CIO magazine and CIO Executive Council. The awards are for information technology leaders that are potential future CIOs and contribute leadership to their organizations, SAIC said Wednesday. “This award is […] More