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    DARPA Requests Info on Distributed Consensus Protocols

    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has asked industry to submit input on other potential applications of distributed consensus protocols that are widely used in cryptocurrency or blockchain technology. A FedBizOpps notice posted Nov. 19 states that DARPA seeks methods to create large-scale permissionless distributed protocols without depending on currency transfers, economic-based security models for multiparty computation […] More

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    DHS Seeks Info on Counter-Drone Systems

    The Department of Homeland Security has issued a request for information from potential providers of counter-unmanned aircraft systems in a move to address security concerns over hostile drones. DHS said Monday in a FedBizOpps notice its science and technology directorate will use the collected data to assess and identify commercial-off-the-shelf counter-UAS platforms in 2019 that could be […] More

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    NASA Releases Satellite Payload Switch Tech RFI

    NASA has issued a request for information on potential switch designs for a communication payload network as part of the agency’s Laser Optical Near-Earth Satellite System project. In a FedBizOpps notice posted Friday, the agency encourages both large and small businesses to submit capability statements describing their abilities to address the LOCNESS switch requirement. The […] More

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    GSA Seeks Info on Potential Support Sources

    The General Services Administration’s Federal Acquisition Service has launched a market survey to identify potential sources of professional services for a web-based cloud computing platform designed for government use. GSA said Thursday in a FedBizOpps notice FAS’ technology transformation services division seeks large or small companies that can help the agency manage and maintain site. […] More

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    Air Force Issues RFI on Multi-Intell Fusion, Analytics Tools

    The U.S. Air Force has issued a request for information on existing tools designed to analyze and integrate multi-intelligence data sources. A FedBizOpps notice posted Thursday says the Air Force Research Laboratory began to explore potential sources of multi-INT fusion and analytics tools from Defense Department laboratories, federally funded research and development centers, academic institutions or industry […] More

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    VA Seeks Contractor for Veteran Health Info Access Services

    The Department of Veterans Affairs has issued a request for information on a contractor that can help National Data Systems manage access to veterans’ health information. A FedBizOpps notice posted Wednesday states that VA is seeking a contractor that will support NDS in distributing health data from the Veterans Health Administration to clinicians, researchers and […] More

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    AFRL Seeks Info on High Energy Laser for Air Defense Applications

    An experimentation group within the Air Force Research Laboratory is requesting for industry input on high energy laser and high power microwave technologies. The AFRL’s Strategic Development Planning and Experimentation Group intends to use these technologies for strike and defense applications against surface-to-air and air-to-air missiles, the U.S. Air Force said Oct. 25 in a […] More

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    DOT Releases Transport Safety Data System RFI

    The Transportation Department has issued a request for information on potential industry sources of technology platforms that can work to integrate, analyze and visualize safety-related data on multimodal surface transportation. DOT said in a FedBizOpps notice posted Wednesday it will collect public comments in an effort to determine whether and how to advance data systems and analysis the department needs to […] More

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    IARPA Seeks Info on ‘Intelligent’ Computing Tech Research Efforts

    The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity has issued a request for information on research efforts that involve hardware and software architectures with intelligent computing functions. IARPA said in a FedBizOpps notice posted Thursday it seeks to determine the possibility of developing within the next 20 years a computer system that can reason and learn from experience, […] More

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    DARPA Seeks Ideas to Build RF Phased Array Aperture

    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency‘s Microsystems Technology Office has issued a request for information on methods to develop radio frequency personality systems. DARPA said Friday in a FedBizOpps notice it aims to build a phased array apperture for a backend digital receiver/exciter concept that the agency wants to integrate and test-fly with the Air Force […] More

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    DHS Issues RFI for Training Management System Procurement Effort

    The Department of Homeland Security has sought information on potential contractors that can provide the Immigration and Customs Enforcement with an enterprise training management platform. A FedBizOpps notice posted Tuesday says ICE wants a training management system designed to handle various training formats, course curriculums, accreditation requirements, evaluation, analytical and reporting tools in support of […] More