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    Former DARPA Director Regina Dugan Joins HPE Board

    Regina Dugan, who led the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency from 2009 to 2012, has joined the board of directors of Hewlett Packard Enterprise. The nearly three-decade public and private sector veteran will serve on the technology committee of HPE’s board, the company said Thursday. Antonio Neri, CEO and president of HPE, stated that Dugan […] More

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    Johns Hopkins University, APL to Join Facebook-Funded Tech Development Research Agreement

    Johns Hopkins University and its Applied Physics Laboratory have joined a Facebook-sponsored academic research agreement that looks to advance the development of technology that will support collaborations between researchers and the social media company. The laboratory said Wednesday it will work with 15 other universities, including Stanford, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard, Princeton, University of California Berkeley, California Institute of Technology, […] More

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    Former DARPA & Google Exec Regina Dugan to Lead New Facebook Group

    Regina Dugan, formerly advanced technology and products team lead at Google, has joined Facebook to lead the social networking site’s future advanced products development group, Forbes reported Wednesday. Miguel Helft writes Dugan oversaw Google’s projects to develop modular smartphones, three-dimensional mapping devices and smart fabrics since 2012. She will lead Facebook’s new team called “Building 8” […] More

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    DARPA’s Dan Kaufman Named Deputy Director of Google’s Mobile R&D Unit

    Dan Kaufman, director of the Information Innovation Office at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, has been appointed deputy director of Google’s advanced technology and projects business, Fedscoop reported Tuesday. Greg Otto writes Kaufman will assume his responsibilities at Google June 12 and will work with Regina Dugan, former DARPA director who is now ATAP’s […] More