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    Orbital ATK Tests Antares Rocket’s Updated First Stage Propulsion System

    Orbital ATK has performed a hot-fire test on the updated first stage propulsion system of the Antares rocket with RD-181 main engines at Virginia Space’s Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport. NASA said Wednesday the test sought to assess the performance of the integrated first stage — including new engines, modified Stage 1 core, avionics, thrust vector control and pad fueling systems — in an operational environment. The Antares engineering […] More

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    Orbital ATK to Use Atlas V Rocket for Upcoming Space Cargo Resupply Missions

    Orbital ATK has bought two United Launch Alliance-built rockets to deliver supplies to the International Space Station for NASA in December and in early 2016, Space News reported Tuesday. Dan Leone writes the Atlas V launch system would help Orbital ATK’s Cygnus spacecraft deliver approximately 7,716 pounds of pressurized cargo to ISS. ULA, a Boeing–Lockheed Martin […] More