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    Lockheed Subcontracts UltiSat for Army Airborne ISR Program Support

    UltiSat has received a subcontract from Lockheed Martin to provide aerial data collection, ground-based processing, exploitation and dissemination support services to the U.S. Army. The two companies will collaborate to support the Army’s Sensor Systems-Aerial Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance program under a potential $733 million task order the military branch awarded in June, UltiSat said Thursday. UltiSat noted its ISR […] More

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    Ken Asbury: CACI Extends Support for CENTCOM Counter Narco-Terrorism Mission

    CACI International will provide the U.S. Central Command with counter narco-terrorism support across the command’s area of responsibility under a $62.5 million contract awarded through the Rapid Response 3rd Generation vehicle. Ken Asbury, CACI president and CEO, said Tuesday that the contract extends the company’s work on CENTCOM’s counter narco-terrorism mission, which aims to combat terrorism and drug trafficking and their impact on […] More